Geek By Perception
By Profession
By Possession
By Provocation
By Preoccupation
Pen is Mightier than Alt+Ctrl+Del
Some games I made using flash!
You have been sent back in time to terminate the Devil himself; You are Bush....wait for it....minator
Defend your castle against enemy forces!
You are stranded in a dimension of chaos and you need precision to survive. Lets see if you have it in you!
Your way forwards will not be easy as you have to negotiate obstacle after obstacle.
He was the legendery archer of myths. Now you can see if you can match his skill in this archery game.
Site in A Pi
I got a Raspberry Pi in January and decided to convert it to a Web Server and host a copy of my Website as an example. Although installing and configuring a basic web server is not that difficult, there are other issues that are bit difficult to resolve considering the economic impact. A dedicated web server needs a Static IP Address so that one can map a domain name to it. However, as of now, BSNL (The state owned telecom company and ISP in India) provides only Dynamic IP Addresses to home broad band customers. BSNL does provide static IPs, but these are very costly. So as a workaround, I use the service of a third party to create virtual static IPs. The problem with this solution is that when my Modem is switched off, BSNL re-allots the IP (that was assigned to me) to other customers. This is why sometimes you see a Router Configuation page when you enter the address of Site in Pi. Next major problem is the connectivity itself. BSNL broadband services can break down any time and the speeds are sometimes really low. Kerala is notorious for its power cuts, especially in monsoon season. This takes the Pi Offline.
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